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SRC Glossary of Rehabilitation Terms & Acronyms (S – Z)

SAMHSA = Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration [Snelling Center]

SBS = Success Beyond Six [Snelling Center]

CIS = Spinal Cord Injury (SCI) = Damage or trauma to the spinal cord that results in a loss or impaired function causing reduced mobility or feeling. Common causes of damage are trauma (e.g. car accident, gunshot, falls, sports injuries, etc.) or disease. The spinal cord does not have to be severed in order for a loss of functioning to occur. In most people with SCI, the spinal cord is intact but the cellular damage results in loss of function. [IDC]

SE = Supported Employment – “means:
1. Competitive employment in an integrated setting with ongoing support services for persons with the most significant disabilities:
a. For whom competitive employment has not traditionally occurred or for whom competitive employment has been interrupted or intermittent as a result of a significant disability; and
b. Who, because of the nature and significance of their disabilities, need intensive supported employment services from DVR and extended services after transition in order to perform this work.
2. Transitional employment for individuals with the most significant disabilities due to mental illness.” [DVR Manual]

SEA = State Education Agency = A state education agency is the agency primarily responsible for the state supervision of public elementary and secondary schools. [LD Online]

SED = seriously emotionally disturbed [Snelling Center]

SGA = Substantial gainful activity – “To be eligible for disability benefits [from Social Security], a person must be unable to engage in substantial gainful activity (SGA). A person who is earning more than a certain monthly amount (net of impairment-related work expenses) is ordinarily considered to be engaging in SGA. The amount of monthly earnings considered as SGA depends on the nature of a person’s disability. The Social Security Act specifies a higher SGA amount for statutorily blind individuals; Federal regulations specify a lower SGA amount for non-blind individuals.”

SI = Speech Impaired (SI) = A category of special education services for students who have difficulty with speech sounds in their native language. [LD Online]

SILC = State Independent Living Council

SLD = Specific Learning Disability = The official term used in federal legislation to refer to difficulty in certain areas of learning, rather than in all areas of learning. Synonymous with learning disabilities. [LD Online]

SLP = Speech Language Pathologist (SLP) = An expert who can help children and adolescents who have language disorders to understand and give directions, ask and answer questions, convey ideas, and improve the language skills that lead to better academic performance. An SLP can also counsel individuals and families to understand and deal with speech and language disorders. [LD Online]

SMI = Severe Mental Illness [VCDR]

SPED = Special Education (SPED) = Services offered to children who possess one or more of the following disabilities: specific learning disabilities, speech or language impairments, mental retardation, emotional disturbance, multiple disabilities, hearing impairments, orthopedic impairments, visual impairments, autism, combined deafness and blindness, traumatic brain injury, and other health impairments. [LD Online]

SRC = State Rehabilitation Council

SRS = Social and Rehabilitation Services [Snelling Center], an agency that was merged into DAIL (see above). DVR was formerly part of SRS.

SS = Social Security: Refers to federal assistance administered by the Social Security Administration. Phone: 800-772-1213 (voice); 800-325-0778 (TTY). Website: [NSIP]

SSA = Social Security Administration (see SS, above)

SSDI = Social Security Disability Income: Available to individuals have a work history (or are the child or widow of insured) and due to disability are no longer able to work. [NSIP]

SSI = Supplementary Security Income: The SSI program is a nationwide federal assistance program administered by the Social Security Administration that guarantees a minimum level of income for adults and children with a disability who have no work history since childhood. [NSIP]

SSN = Social Security number [Snelling Center]

SX6 = Success by Six [Snelling Center]

T&TA / TA = training and technical assistance / technical assistance [Snelling Center]

TANF = Temporary Assistance to Needy Families (also known as Reach-Up) [VCDR]

TBI = Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) = Refers to the effects on the brain after a head injury. Traumatic brain injuries can lead to a spectrum of problems including concussion, contusion (hemorrhage within the brain), or diffuse injuries that cause more severe neurological deficits. [IDC]

TQM = Total Quality Management [Snelling Center]

USC = United States Code [Snelling Center]

USD = Unified School District (USD) = USD is a common acronym used in education plans to refer to the elementary, middle, and high schools within the school district. [LD Online]

VA = Veterans Administration [Snelling Center], the Federal Department of Veterans Affairs.

VABIR = Vermont Association of Business, Industry and Rehabilitation: “Since its inception in 1979, VABIR has been Vermont’s liaison between private sector employment and skilled workers with disabilities…. Working under a program through the US Department of Education called Projects With Industry (PWI), our responsibility is to provide pragmatic, real-world information to both employers and job-seekers.” [VABIR]

VAMH = Vermont Association for Mental Health [Snelling Center]

VCDR = VT Coalition for Disability Rights [VCDR]

VCF = Vermont Children’s Forum [Snelling Center]

VCHIP (often pronounced “VEE-chip”) = Vermont Child Health Improvement Project [Snelling Center]

VCIL = Vermont Center for Independent Living [Snelling Center]

VDH = VT Department of Health [VCDR]

Vermont 2-1-1 = Service that provides all people in Vermont with free access to community resources information and referral (I & R). For community, regional, state, and faith based human services information, including AHS services, contact Vermont 2-1-1 by dialing 211 from anywhere in Vermont, or visit their website ( . [SOV]

VHAP (often pronounced “VEE-hap”) = VT Health Access Program [VCDR; Snelling Center]

VISTA = AmeriCorps*VISTA (Volunteers in Service to America): “Members live and serve in low-income neighborhoods, reaching out to residents and developing local leadership to create sustainable change.” [NSIP]

VNA = Visiting Nurse Association [Snelling Center]

VP&A = Vermont Protection and Advocacy [Snelling Center]

VPIC (often pronounced “VEE-pick”) = Vermont Parent Information Center

VPS = Vermont Psychiatric Survivors [Snelling Center]

VR = Vocational Rehabilitation: Each state has a program to assist people with disabilities in finding and keeping employment. A list of offices can be found at this website: [NSIP]

VSAC (often pronounced “VEE-sack”) = Vermont Student Assistance Corporation

VSH = Vermont State Hospital [VCDR; Snelling Center]

WCMH = Washington County Mental Health [Snelling Center]

WDC = Workforce Development Council, Vermont (formerly the Human Resource Investment Council)
WIA (often pronounced “WEE-uh”) = Workforce Investment Act (WIA) = The Federal act under which the VR program is funded. WIA was enacted in 1998… It replaced the former workforce program called the Job Training Partnership Act (JTPA). The purpose of the Act is to establish programs to prepare youth and unskilled adults for entry into the labor force and to afford job training to those economically disadvantaged individuals and others who face serious barriers to employment and who are in need of such training to obtain employment. [TRC] Federal legislation that contains the Rehabilitation Act. The Rehabilitation Act establishes and sets rules for state vocational rehabilitation programs. [ORSC]

WIB (often pronounced to rhyme with “rib”) = Workforce Investment Board. See Regional Workforce Investment Board, above.

WOTC = Work Opportunities Tax Credit – a federal program that gives a tax break to employers hiring individuals with disabilities who are or have been consumers of a state vocational rehabilitation program. [ORSC]

YTD = (1) year to date; (2) Youth Transition Demonstration, a study funded by the Social Security Administration. (Vermont DVR participated in the initial pilot project, but was not funded for continuation of the grant.)

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